We would like to present to you a competitively priced machine that is widely available and highly efficient. It is the 5X450 model, which is very popular and can mill almost any material except Co-Cr/Ni-Cr disks. This model has a powerful 1.28 kw spindle made by the famous spindle brand, Sycotec. It weighs 550 lbs, which is relatively heavy, and it uses an open C-type cartridge that allows for more accurate milling of the labial and under-cut zones that require additional work for zirconia and PMMA.
It is also very useful for titanium abutment milling, as it can mill the occlusal and cuff sides, and connectorless milling is possible, eliminating the need for additional work after milling. This machine can also do retention groove milling, thread milling, and titanium bar milling from the titanium disk. It can load six CAD blocks and mill Lithium Disilicate. Auto calibration and cartridge changes make it very user-friendly, and it has an automatic tool changer with fifteen tools.

Now, let’s compare the 5X450 to other popular models, such as Ceramil Motion II and Imes-icore 350i or 350 PRO level. As you can see from the comparison chart, the 5X-450 model surpasses these machines in spindle power, and machine weight. While our competitors claim that their machines can mill all types of materials with lower spindle power, and lighter machine weights, we advise our customers to mill within an appropriate range for the machine’s specifications, especially when working with harder materials like metal. This is because our primary concern is our customers’ successful business, and we want them to use our machines for a long time with consistently excellent quality and without any problems.
Thank you for considering the 5X450 model, and we hope to assist you in achieving your milling goals.